

Summary of Qualifications:

  • Language familiarity: C++, C#, C, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, GoLang, Assembly, PowerShell, Transact-SQL
  • Experience building responsive, RESTful web programs that use custom routing and libraries such as Node and React.js
  • Comfortable with Windows/Unix environments as well as using the CLI
  • Have worked with RESTful APIs in various instances, including development in JavaScript and Python for personal projects, as well as in PowerShell scripts for http request automation while working at NetApp
  • Experience with version control software such as Git/GitHub/GitKraken on personal and group projects
  • Technical documentation practiced extensively during tenure at NetApp for best practices and how-tos, as well as having simulated a large product delivery in my Systems Design coursework
  • Familiarity with VM management using Hyper-V in addition to container services such as Docker
  • Have designed and implemented SQL database residing on Azure for the purpose of storing highly available user data


Seattle Pacific University

Everett Community College

Work History:


Assisted in the administration of the Bellevue lab environment, including management of on-premises servers and data storage. During tenure, I explored IT and data management concepts, including cloud storage management using NetApp software on Amazon Web Services, as well as VM management (Hyper-V) and containerization (Docker, K8s). Much of the work done was also able to eventually be automated with the use of PowerShell scripts written by myself. Was also fortunate enough to work directly with developers of NetApp products such as those working on the Cloud Volumes Service, as well as shadow their more senior Technical Marketing Engineers while on the job.


Worked full-time while taking classes at EvCC, during which I was developing soft skills through customer facing work involving frequent social interaction and conflict resolution.



In order to help assist students in experiencing a more complete, yet remote educational experience, I have helped in part to develop spu2you. By teaming with OhmniLabs and leveraging their telepresence robots, spu2you would allow students to reserve and connect to a given robot and attend class from the comfort of home. Built using React.js and leveraging Azure Cloud Services such as Azure AD and Azure Functions.


This simple, open-source note-taking application helped me to better understand cloud hosting services, http request technology, as well as simple database logic by leveraging Google's Firebase service. Ultimately, this app proved useful in helping me to learn much of the technology that would be necessary to implement in some form for the spu2you project above. Uses vanilla JavaScript, Electron.js for parallel web and desktop development, and the Firebase Realtime Database, making asynchronous calls to retrieve and store data. Live site hosted at


Basic Discord bot that is being actively developed. Notable features thus far are the weather commands, allowing users to retrieve localized weather reports based on zip code, Youtube music streaming from within voice calls, and Google search results displayed in chat. Made possible with Discord.js, the OpenWeatherMap API, Zenserp, and Heroku!

Related Coursework: